As the daughter of two dentists, dentistry flows through my veins like a family river of care. It has always been my passion, but it blossomed into something truly special—a heartfelt calling—when I embraced the beautiful journey of motherhood.
When I became a mother, my world opened up like a flower reaching toward the sun. Things I had never given a second thought—breastfeeding, tongue position, growth and development—suddenly became fascinating gardens of knowledge I couldn’t help but explore with wonder.
As I navigated parenthood’s winding path, I was blessed to discover an amazing circle of support that held me up when I needed it most. The more I learned and the more small victories I celebrated, the stronger my desire grew to extend that same nurturing hand to other families walking similar paths.
Today, my heart’s mission is to share these precious insights with other families, helping them nurture their little ones through every stage of growth—from those tender baby days, through the curious toddler years, into adolescence and beyond—so they can unfold into their fullest, brightest selves.”
At GrassRoots Dental Wellness, we believe in gentle, thoughtful care that considers the whole child and their unique developmental journey. Dr. Hetrick brings not only her professional expertise but also her compassionate understanding as a mother to every patient interaction.